Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Singapore Airport, Arrival and Settling In

Well we have finally made it, at the moment we are in the hotel in Hanoi, its 7am in the morning. 6 hours behind NZ so its pretty crazy getting used to that. First things first the driving over here is Nuts!! Yesterday we got picked up from the airport by our driver in a big black Toyota. As we left the airport we realised this country is about as far removed from NZ as you can get. The roads are two lanes but the lines may as well be invisible as there are scooters, motorbikes, bicycles, cars, SUV's and huge trucks all driving practically in the middle of the road and all trying to pass each other. Our driver leant on his horn the whole way telling smaller vehicles to move out the way. It was white knuckle stuff to us, but as soon as we seen the calm look of Cao Dai Buddhist serenity on his face we calmed down as obviously this was the norm here.

After squeezing through some impossible gaps and seeing whole families on one scooter (with baby in the middle) driving along the road, we arrived at the hotel which had the works...even porters that took our bags :O Today we plan to head out and do some exploring and go visit Ho Chi Minh in his mausoleum.

As for the start of the trip, the plane flight was fine, the ten hours flew by and we arrived at singapore at 5.30pm. It was quite fun in the airport (the 19th busiest in the world) and after some exploring we had a kip on some airport benches before we got into the transit hotel for a 6 hour nap.

Here are some photos, they are:

On the plane

The view of Singapore from the plane (see the ships)

The Koi Carp Garden at Singapore airport

The Singapore Sunset

Anna In the Hotel aaaand....

This is the view from our hotel window!

P.S. We are fine healthy and happy

Jamie and Anna

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